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In 2021, the European transport had to face several major challenges. How have they affected the industry?

Economic has turmoil turned out to be one of the more unforeseeable consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply shortages have stamped their influence in many industries. Transport and logistics have been particularly affected by the crisis. The dynamic situation on the components market and rising fuel prices continue to cast a shadow on our industry.

Gniotpol Trailers constantly keeps its finger on the pulse, observing changes taking place on the market. As the end of the year is approaching, we have decided to prepare a brief summary of the situation that may affect the condition of the transport industry in 2022.

Steadily Growing Demand

2020 brought many uncertainties that discouraged businesses from being active on the truck market. With the arrival of 2021, stagnation in the industry gave way to a rocketing demand which continues to this day. The thawing of the economies of countries previously under pandemic-induced lockdowns and the rise of e-commerce have translated into ever-increasing demand for transport vehicles.

Wykres przedstawiający statystyki rejestracji nowych przyczep i naczep

This demand is reflected in the numbers of registered trucks, trailers and semi-trailers. They are particularly significant in Poland. According to the Polish Automotive Industry Association, registrations in the entire group of new trailers and semi-trailers have been recording steady growth for over a year and a half. In October 2021, the upward trend had continued for the 17th month. Unfortunately, meeting the growing demand of the market is not easy.

Lack of Components

Delays in the supply of components necessary for their manufacture are largely to blame for the situation on the market for transport vehicles. An example of a resource whose shortage is experienced by the transport industry in particular is magnesium. This metal is the key element required to produce aluminium alloy. Aluminium, on the other hand, is a key element in the manufacturing process of many vehicle components. What is more, the truck industry is increasingly using it to replace the steel previously commonly used in trailers and semi-trailers, which makes it possible to reduce the total weight of the vehicle and achieve lower fuel consumption – as is the case with many Gniotpol Trailers products.

Oznaczenie pierwiastka magnezu, wskazujące na jego braki w przemyśle transportowym

Unfortunately, the European countries are almost entirely dependent on supplies from China for the production of this alloy. This country is currently facing economic problems related to energy supply shortages. According to, two-thirds of China’s magnesium foundries remain inactive, which has caused the price of the raw material to rise nearly sevenfold. Unfortunately, there are no alternatives to obtaining magnesium from another source – in Europe, the magnesium foundries have not been operating for decades.

The shortage of semiconductors used in truck-mounted electronics is also having a significant impact on the fulfilment of transport vehicle orders. Again, this is a factor in which the domestic transport industry is dependent on suppliers from outside the European continent. In this area, however, manufacturers are working hard to increase Europe’s independence. Bosch, for instance, plans to invest more than €400 million in the production of these components, according to Reuters.

Fuel Prices Are Going Up

Rising fuel prices are definitely a different ball game. In November 2021, the average cost of one litre of petrol and diesel was at the level of PLN 6.00. Unfortunately, the situation can get even worse. This increase is particularly acute in case of diesel, which as recently as the beginning of 2020 could be purchased for PLN 4.00 per litre. This is not a positive development for the transport industry.

Wykres przedstawiający średnie detaliczne ceny paliw w Polsce

On the European roads, trucks still rely primarily on diesel engines. The increase in diesel prices is therefore a severe blow to hauliers who have not yet started to use alternative solutions such as electric or LNG drives. Finally, the political situation also has a significant impact on prices. Fit for 55 package planned by the European Union aiming at reducing exhaust emissions by at least 55%, may have a significant impact on the fuel prices – raising understandable concerns from the transport industry.

New Solutions – New Hope

The unstable situation on the component market and the fluctuation in fuel prices are a signal for the changes that need to take place in the transport industry if it is to continue to fulfil its role in society. Many companies are recognising this need, opening up to new technologies and undertaking changes in the way their businesses operate.

It is the demand for new solutions, such as electric motors or intermodal transport, that will shape the market situation in 2022. And while the problems our industry has encountered in 2021 will continue to have an impact, the positive changes brought about by technological developments will make it possible to overcome these difficulties.

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