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Optimization of the transportation process possible thanks to the BDF bodyworks brings a number of benefits on many levels: from saving time and resources to making transport more environmentally friendly.

In the previous article on intermodal transportationwe presented its significance in the development of modern logistics and explained the role of truck transport carried out with the use of versatile BDF bodyworks. Today we take a closer look at the possibilities offered by swap bodies.

Optimization is a common trend in modern economics. At every step, the goal is to simplify complex processes by introducing simple but effective solutions. It is no different in the case of the TFL industry, where the demand for light and versatile vehicles is the key to success. Universal BDF systems, which have already found many enthusiasts – and not only in the transport industry, come to the rescue.

Flexible and eco-friendly BDF bodies

The key advantage of intermodal solutions is the associated process optimization – thanks to their use, we save time and resources, which translates into greater flexibility in conducting activities. BDF systems allow for quick body replacement and almost immediate pick-up of the next load, which not only speeds up the entire transport process, but also allows for a significant reduction in exhaust emissions. It is for this reason that intermodal transportation is very popular in the European Union, whose priorities in the TFL industry include making it more environmentally friendly.

That is why, swap bodies, in addition to being actively used in transportation, are also popular in European cities. An example of an interesting and creative use of the possibilities of swap systems can be found on the roads of the Netherlands. This is where you can find MAN eTGM electric trucks with swap bodies. By default, this vehicle is to be used by the Dutch road marking services. However, as this year’s winter turned out to be surprisingly harsh, MAN trucks were quickly adapted to the weather conditions by installing a salt spreader on the swap body.

Intermodal transportation in e-commerce

Returning, however, to the subject of transportation, BDF bodies are successfully used as part of e-commerce activities. Rapid development in this field has created a need for flexible transport solutions where time is a key factor. In a situation where online stores guarantee the shipment of the product to the customer within 24 hours, the absolute priority is to ensure continuity and stability of deliveries.

Naczepa z systemem BDF

This is where swap bodies come into play, allowing the cargo to be transferred between the transporting vehicles without unloading. Once the container with the goods has been handed over, the delivering driver can move on immediately, which ensures the stability of deliveries within the company.

Swap bodies in autonomous warehouses

However, refining supply chains with swap bodies is not just limited to the e-commerce sector. Virtually every large enterprise can use BDF systems to improve its logistics processes, using them, for example, in the implementation of the concept of autonomous warehouses. In this situation, intermodal transportation is primarily used to optimize the transfer of goods within the company’s warehouse units, which significantly affects its operational capabilities.

Naczepa z systemem BDF

Thanks to the use of such functionality, it is possible to significantly simplify the entire logistics process taking place within the supply chain of a given enterprise. In this way, BDF bodyworks make it possible to improve transport within a given company, and their flexibility enables them to be easily adapted to even the most specialized industries.

Proven BDF solutions from SDG

As you can see, BDF sets have many applications on the market today – and all indications are that the demand for them will continue to grow in the near future. Therefore, it is worth considering introducing such a solution and taking advantage of the benefits of intermodal transportation.

A manufacturer worth recommending in terms of BDF systems is our trusted partner, the German company SDG Modultechnik. Like Gniotpol Trailers, it is a family enterprise that understands the needs of the dynamically changing intermodal transportation market – after all, solutions dedicated to servicing BDF bodies constitute the main scope of their nearly 60-year activity. For three generations, SDG has provided European customers with reliable BDF systems.

BDF Gniotpol Trailers

The undeniable advantage of the systems offered by SDG is the ability to adapt the purchased product to individual needs. This makes SDG bodies a tailor-made solution – exactly what we like the most at Gniotpol Trailers. What’s more, the solutions offered by SDG guarantee that the far-reaching universality of the built-up vehicle is maintained. The risk of purchasing narrowly specialized equipment is reduced, which is important both at the operational stage and during the subsequent resale of such vehicles.

Family businesses in intermodal transportation

The possibility of customization of the offered products is, of course, not the only feature that GT and SDG share. As family businesses, we understand how important partnership and established relationships are in business relations – both with clients and employees. The philosophy and vision of the world, which we share with SDG, allows us to jointly mark the path on the intermodal transportation market, in line with the motto of Gniotpol Trailers: “We know the Trail”.

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